Data Sources
Data sources let Terraform reference external data. Unlike resources, Terraform does not create, update, or delete data sources, and makes no attempt to modify the underlying API. Data Sources are a read-only resource type, so they only implement a subset of the operations that resources do. Refer to Data Sources in the Framework documentation for details.
This page explains how to migrate a data source from SDKv2 to the plugin Framework.
In SDKv2, data sources are defined by the DataSourcesMap
field on the schema.Provider
struct, which maps data source
names (strings) to their schema. The schema.Resource
struct is used for both resources and data sources.
The following example shows a typical implementation.
func New() *schema.Provider {
return &schema.Provider{
DataSourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource{
/* ... */
In SDKv2, you define both resources and data sources with schema.Resource
structs. The following example shows a
resource struct. For clarity, the example omits fields that are not available for data sources.
schema.Resource {
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema,
Read: ReadFunc,
ReadContext: ReadContextFunc,
ReadWithoutTimeout: ReadContextFunc,
DeprecationMessage: string,
Timeouts: *ResourceTimeout,
Description: string,
In the Framework, you define data sources by adding them to the map returned by your provider's DataSources
The DataSources
method on your provider.Provider
returns a slice of functions that return types
that implement the datasource.DataSource
interface for each data source your provider supports.
The following code shows how you add a data source to your provider with the Framework.
func (p *provider) DataSources(ctx context.Context) []func() datasource.DataSource {
return []func() datasource.DataSource{
/* ... */
Like the resource.Resource
interface, datasource.DataSource
requires GetSchema
and Metadata
These methods work the same way for data sources as they do for resources. The Read
method is also required.
The GetSchema
method returns a tfsdk.Schema
struct which defines your data source's attributes. This is the same
struct you use to define provider and resource attributes.
The Metadata
method returns a type name that you define.
The Read
method implements the logic for writing into the Terraform state.
The following code shows how you define a datasource.DataSource
which implements these methods with the
type dataSourceExample struct{}
func (d *dataSourceExample) Metadata(ctx context.Context, req datasource.MetadataRequest, resp *datasource.MetadataResponse) {
/* ... */
func (d *dataSourceExample) GetSchema(context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
/* ... */
func (d *dataSourceExample) Read(ctx context.Context, req datasource.ReadRequest, resp *datasource.ReadResponse) {
/* ... */
Migration Notes
Remember the following details when completing the migration from SDKv2 to the Framework.
- As data sources are read-only, you only implement read functionality for your provider's data sources. Refer to the
function for resources in the Framework documentation for more details.
The following examples show how to migrate portions of the http provider.
For a complete example, clone the
repository and compare the data_source.go
file in
and the data_source_http.go
after the migration.
The following example from the provider.go
file shows an implementation of the DataSourcesMap
field on the provider
schema with SDKv2.
func New() (*schema.Provider, error) {
return &schema.Provider {
DataSourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource {
"http": dataSource(),
/* ... */
The following example from the data_source.go
file shows how the ReadContext
function and Schema
are defined for
the http
data source with SDKv2.
func dataSource() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
ReadContext: dataSourceRead,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"url": {
Description: "The URL for the request. Supported schemes are `http` and `https`.",
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
/* ... */
The following example from the provider.go
file shows how the http
data source is defined with the Framework after
the migration.
func (p *provider) DataSources(context.Context) []func() datasource.DataSource {
return []func() datasource.DataSource{
func() datasource.DataSource {
return &httpDataSource{}
This code from the data_source_http.go
file defines the methods for the http
data source with the
func (d *httpDataSource) Metadata(ctx context.Context, req datasource.MetadataRequest, resp *datasource.MetadataResponse) {
// This is unconventional in that the data source name matches the provider name.
// Typically these should have the provider name, an underscore, then the type name.
// e.g. http_request
resp.TypeName = "http"
func (d *httpDataSource) GetSchema(context.Context) (tfsdk.Schema, diag.Diagnostics) {
return tfsdk.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]tfsdk.Attribute{
"url": {
Description: "The URL for the request. Supported schemes are `http` and `https`.",
Type: types.StringType,
Required: true,
/* ... */
func (d *httpDataSource) Read(ctx context.Context, req datasource.ReadRequest, resp *datasource.ReadResponse) {
/* ... */