Common Error Messages
When installing and running Boundary, there are some common messages you might see. Usually they indicate an issue in your network or in your IAM configuration. Some of the more common errors and their solutions are listed below. If you think you have found a bug, please report the issue on github.
Cannot connect to target: error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
$ boundary targets authorize-session
Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
Error information:
Kind: PermissionDenied
Message: Forbidden.
Status: 403
context: Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
This error message indicates the user does not have permission to access the requested target. Ensure the right IAM policies are configured for the user attempting to create a session. Users need to belong to a role in the target's scope with an authorize-session grant to access the target. Resource table page is a great reference for how to configure the right permission grants for Boundary roles.
Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
$ boundary connect -target-id $TARGET_ID
Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
Error information:
Kind: FailedPrecondition
Message: No workers are available to handle this session, or all have been filtered.
Status: 400
context: Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
This error message indicates the worker is unable to proxy connections to the target. This could be caused by a number of issues.
Network misconfiguration: ensure that worker, target, and clients have the required network configurations
- Targets
- Need to allow inbound connections from workers
- Workers
- Need to allow outbound connections to a Boundary trusted control point (either the Boundary control plane or another trusted worker)
- Need to allow outbound connections to targets
- Need to allow inbound connections from clients
- Client devices
- Need to allow outbound (client->worker) connections to workers
- The target is accessible by the Worker. The same error message is thrown if the target IP is either misconfigured or inaccessible by the worker
Worker tag and filter misconfiguration: If your target is using a worker filter
- Ensure the worker filter selects the intended worker(s) to proxy connections to the target.
- Ensure your intended worker(s) have the intended tags to match your target's filter
Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target: unsupported credential *vault.baseCred
$ boundary connect ssh -target-id tssh_dmcFiVIakM
Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
Error information:
Kind: Internal
Message: targets.(Service).AuthorizeSession: targets.dynamicToWorkerCredential: unsupported credential *vault.baseCred:
parameter violation: error #100
Status: 500
context: Error from controller when performing authorize-session action against given target
You may experience this error when attempting credential injection via Vault. Currently username_password and ssh_private_key credential types are supported for credential injection, but only username_password can be set up using the Web UI. If you experience this error, attempt to create the Vault ssh_private_key credential library using the CLI instead of the UI.